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QPR Software Plc

QPR Process Analyzer allows the generation and visualization of flowcharts and the actual monitoring of processes as they are carried out by systems and employees.

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It began its activity in 1991 in Helsinki, Finland. Today it is listed and already has more than 1500 clients in 50 countries.

QPR develops collaborative Process Management, ScoreCarding and Risk Management solutions, which enable, in a participatory manner, to guide employees towards strategic objectives and align Business Processes.

QPR Process Analyzer allows the generation and visualization of flowcharts and the actual monitoring of processes as they are carried out by systems and employees.

OGSolutions Portugal

Republic Avenue, 18 -3rd floor, 1050-191 Lisbon, tel. +351 210 534 240

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OGSolutions Spain

C/ Principe de Vergara 211, 1ºb 28002, Madrid, tel. +34 91 564 65 34

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OGSolutions Spain

C/ Principe de Vergara 211, 1ºb 28002, Madrid, tel. +34 91 564 65 34

OGSolutions Portugal

Republic Avenue, 18 -3rd floor, 1050-191 Lisbon, tel. +351 210 534 240

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OGSolutions Portugal

Republic Avenue, 18 -3rd floor, 1050-191 Lisbon, tel. +351 210 534 240

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OGSolutions Spain

C/ Principe de Vergara 211, 1ºb 28002, Madrid, tel. +34 91 564 65 34

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